Monday 19 December 2016

Release Form by myself

Moodboard by Makquel Marshall

Friday 16 December 2016

Permission Slip signed by Marcel Deane

Analysis of existing products

Thursday 8 December 2016

Location - Permission Form

Monday 5 December 2016

Storyboard created by Marcel Deane

Made with Storyboard That

Analysis of my Survey Results

How old are you? From my survey results I can clearly determine who my target audience  and what it is that they enjoy watching. From my results I can see that 87% of the people who participated in the survey were aged 13-17, this tells me that my target audience is fully teenage audience as the other 13% were aged 25-28 and 28+, from this however I can assure that the age rating of my film opening is aged 15 and no older as it would be unsuitable as my target audience is 13-17 for which an 18 would be inappropriate.

How many movies do you watch per month?
For this question I can see that 47% of people watch over 5 movies per month considering that this is quite a high amount I can tell that my target audience watch films on a regular basis. Therefore my results for my survey are more reliable as the participants relate to movies well.

Do you prefer to watch movies at home or at the cinema?
When asked whether they preferred to watch movies at home or at the cinema, 100% of my respondents stated they preferred at home. This is good for our project because it won't be shown in the cinema, so our audience would more likely watch it. Also our opening sequence will make our audience feel like they are at the cinema so this is a great benefit.

Do you like crime dramas?/Do they excite you?
87% said they do in fact like crime dramas, and 50% said they are excited by them, with the other 50% saying they don't know. From these results I am able to create my project with encouragement and comfort as I know my audience will enjoy what we create. This is because my target audience is 13-17 year olds, and my results consist mostly of 13-17 year olds.

Briefly explain what qualities stand out to you from a good actor/actress?
Responses range from "Natural actions" and "Confidence" to "They can play multiple characters. Like Tom Hanks he's played bare man". These responses tell me that my actors/actresses have to meet the character specifications and have to be naturally good in front of the camera. This is because audience want the best experience so having actors/actresses with confidence pleases my audience.